Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Canon Powershot A 810

Canon Powershot A 810 is a basic camera but with great feature at this price [less than $85, Rs. 3500]. It is a good camera if you do not want to experiment too much with aperture and speed, and do not have to do low-light photography. Great for travel. 

digital camera canon
It produces good and very colorful photos in proper lighting. Yes, keep the lighting in mind and use flash when in doubt.

Use rechargeable Asian Age batteries. Keep extra batteries if going out in the field for a long time.
Its 10 megapixel photo size is very high and you need not bother about it.

It has 3.3 x zoom. It means, you can increase the size of objects by 3.3 times of the usual size. Use it when taking photos from a distance. But it is better not to use zoom when not required. Avoid ‘digital zoom’
It can take good quality video but without zoom. The quality is not very good but passable; you get only such quality from this range of point-and-shoot cameras. Keep light in mind and do not move camera too much during shooting.

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